As global desire for healthier and hassle-free living environment increases, comes a response where technology and innovative design intersect.
Concord BioSpace is a multi-layered system to deliver cleaner and safer indoor space through improved indoor airflow and filtration in high-traffic areas. Access to major entry points and high-traffic common areas including elevators can be controlled through your mobile phone.
Furthermore, a building-wide water flow detection and remote shut-off system and a comprehensive parcel collection system will facilitate better property management.
Concord has always tried to be industry leaders whether through planning firsts or technology firsts. Their customers are planning for the future and their home is an important investment for most.
Elevator E-Calling Technology
Touchless Building Entry
Bacteria and Virus Mitigation Technology
Building-Wide Water Flow Detection and Remote Shut-Off System
Parcel Locker Service
Touchless Technology